Pro anaorexic




troian bellisario thinspo


Bryana Holly Thinspo

I’ve been eating WAYY too much, any ideas to help cravings? 


I save a bunch of these to my phone and do them one after another without stopping. It really makes me motivated and I feel good after doing them. 


I’ve not been on this account forever, but now its 2016 and I’m motivated to lose weight. I’m starting a 12 hour fast and when that 12 hours is up in starting again.

Spring Time

It’s spring time and I’m still fat. I’ve not even for over ten hours, let’s see how far this fast can make it. 



I’ve been eating a lot lately, so I decided to start a fast. Wish me good luck!  



To Be Thin

Thinspo Of The Day



Thinspiration Tuesday

flat stomach ♡

The boy I like, and who likes me back, keeps calling me chubby, and I know he doesn’t mean anything bad about it, but I hate it, and I hate being labeled as chubby.

Thinspo 3/24/15


Model Thin

I Feel Amazing!!

I feel the best I have in a while!!

I stopped eating off and on for half a year and lost, like, 25-30 pounds!! My bones are a bit more showing than they use to be, and my thighs are smaller, however I’m still trying to get that perfect gap!! I’ve been back on my diets and my stomach is empty right now!! It feels great!!

Thanks for for all the support!!

skinny motivation!




Thinspiration Quotes! <3*

Thigh Gap Exercise

imageI’ve been working on these exercises the past few days, I swear this works wonders!!

Don’t Worry

Okay guys, I promise I will continue to post anorexia tips and stuff on this website, however in have recently met a Mia friend, and because of her I have been turned to “the other side”. I have so many question about Pro Mia that I still wonder about, but I feel better about myself after I throw up. Sometimes even once I do throw up I feel like the food is still in my stomach and I’ll still end up being fat.

Anyway, for now, I love you all.

Stay skinnyXx

Morning Thinspo

Cara Delevingne Thinspo

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I’m Sorry


I’m sorry for not posting anything even though I had promised I would start I feel like an awful person 😦

Anyway, I’ve been SO upset with myself and my eating habits lately, and I with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up I’m a lot more scared. I know I’m going to break and eat again! I just hate myself for ever getting this big anyway 😦 I’ve been trying to turn from Ana to Mia, but I’m just not strong enough to let mself throw up.

This time I’m not making promises but I will TRY to get back on task with posting and stuff.
